Acupuncture/Cupping/Dry Needling

up close of young man getting acupuncture in the middle of his back

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a health practice that originated in China. There are different types of acupuncture. They all include using needles placed under the skin to stimulate points in the body and ease symptoms.

Acupuncture has changed over the years. Today it’s much different from the ancient form and also much safer. For example, instead of re-using silver and gold needles, practitioners use safer disposable needles. Practitioners today may also apply heat and mild electrical impulses to needles to improve results.


Vital Wellness Chiropractic

2601 Apache Ct, Sioux City, IA 51104

(712) 277-9355

Our Team

 Dr Sean
Dr. Sean Chartier


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